Commissioner Frank Williams speaks to Institute of Political Leadership Fellows
BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. — Brunswick County Commissioner Frank Williams addressed the Fall 2020 Class of the N.C. Institute of Political Leadership (NCIOPL) via Zoom on Thursday, October 15. Williams, who is a Spring 1996 NCIOPL Fellow, discussed Leadership and Communication in a Crisis.

“While many campaign schools focus solely on how to win an election, the N.C. Institute of Political Leadership also seeks to help aspiring leaders prepare to effectively govern after they are elected,” said Williams. “I’ve learned a lot while serving during several hurricanes and COVID-19, and I appreciated the opportunity to share those lessons with this group of aspiring public servants.”
Williams is in his second term as a Brunswick County Commissioner and has served as the board’s chair since December 2016. Brunswick County has faced a number of emergencies during his tenure as chair, including Hurricanes Florence, Michael, Dorian and Isaias as well as COVID-19. Williams is President Elect of the N.C. Association of County Commissioners. He also serves as chair of the Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee and on the boards of the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) and Brunswick Business & Industry Development (Brunswick BID). Williams also serves on both the National Association of Counties (NaCo) International Economic Development Task Force and Rural Action Caucus (RAC) Steering Committee.
The N.C. Institute of Political Leadership (NCIOPL) is a non-partisan, non-profit leadership organization that seeks to educate future political and community leaders in modern campaign strategy, ethical decision making, and governance, such that its participants will have a sound grounding in ethical behavior, consensus building, and cooperative and collaborative leadership. NCIOPL has over 1,100 graduates representing more than 82 North Carolina counties. According to the NCIOPL website, there are currently 120 alumni in public office, including Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and State Treasurer Dale Folwell. Over 100 NCIOPL alumni have served in the NC General Assembly, with 20 currently serving. For more information, visit