Internet Assessment Underway in Brunswick County

InternetIn view of the growing importance of Internet service for business and for residential use, Brunswick County formed a Task Team of community representatives to assess the availability and demand for internet service throughout the county. A key element of the assessment effort is a community survey being conducted between February 1 and March 18.

The attached brief survey will assist the Task Team in identifying deficiencies and possible ways to improve the availability of service. The results of the survey will be shared with internet service providers to identify ways to improve service throughout the county. In addition to common internet uses like checking email or social media, the survey is intended to address current or possible future uses like online text books for students, medical record access for patients, telecommuting (working from home) and global business connections.

The survey is available online at or by sending the completed survey by mail to Brunswick County Planning, PO Box 249, Bolivia, 28422; by email to [email protected]; or, by fax to 253-2437.

For additional information, please call 253-2033.

Source:  Brunswick County Public Information Officer