Sept. 7, 2017 – 8:16 p.m. — Hurricane Irma remains an extremely dangerous Category 5 hurricane with 175 mph sustained winds as of this evening’s 8 p.m. advisory (click here to view). The forecast cone has shifted west since this morning, taking Brunswick County out of the cone. However, we should not let our guard down. First, it is important to note that if the forecast track changed once, it could change again, and even…
Read MoreSept. 5, 2017 – 11 a.m. — Having grown up in Brunswick County, I’ve been exposed to hurricanes and tropical storms my entire life. The first storm I remember was Hurricane David in 1979, followed by Hurricane Diana in 1984. I was living in Raleigh when Hurricane Fran tore through our state’s capital city in 1996, and was of course in Brunswick County during last year’s visit from Matthew. Now, we are monitoring Hurricane Irma,…
Read MoreThe Brunswick County Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted two resolutions concerning water quality at its August 21, 2017 meeting. The first resolution, which can be viewed here, calls upon the state to prevent the discharge of contaminants into our waterways until studies have been conducted to ascertain their impact on public health. The second resolution, which can be viewed here, encourages our state leaders to put aside partisan differences, be open to ideas from leaders…
Read MoreFive members have been appointed by the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners to the new Economic Development organization’s Board of Directors, marking the next step forward for the county’s new economic development model. Allen Bryant, Dr. John Ward, Dennis Ewald, Clint Berry and Michael Reives were officially appointed to the Board at Monday night’s Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board of Commissioners approved the structure of the new Economic Development organization at the Commissioners’ July…
Read MoreBrunswick County has recently heard from advocates on both sides of a debate about tethering laws, as detailed in this article from The State Port Pilot. Animal abuse and neglect is something that the County has, and always will, treat with the seriousness it deserves. Both N.C.G.S. 14 – 360 and Brunswick County Ordinance Article III prohibit animal cruelty. In fact, these ordinances include in their definitions of animal cruelty the specific scenarios that we have heard…
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