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BOLIVIA, N.C. — Two items of pending North Carolina legislation have the potential to cause negative financial impacts to Brunswick County and its municipalities. One bill, introduced in the House, would exempt builders from paying property taxes on some inventory for several years, with no later repayment. The other, a proposal to distribute sales…
Read MoreStarting at 8:30 p.m., Monday, July, 13, and ending at 5 a.m., Friday, July 17, the N.C. Department of Transportation will intermittently close lanes in both directions of the N.C. 211 Bridges over Dutchman Creek and Progress Energy Channel north of Southport in Brunswick County. These closures will allow crews to perform geotechnical borings to…
Read MoreNORTHWEST, N.C. – The Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization (RPO) Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) unanimously adopted a resolution requesting that the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) conduct a corridor study of the I-74/US-74 corridor in Brunswick and Columbus Counties at its meeting on Friday, July 10. The RTAC has previously adopted resolutions encouraging the construction…
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