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Recent News

Pending state legislation could adversely impact Brunswick County, municipalities

July 20, 2015

BOLIVIA, N.C. — Two items of pending North Carolina legislation have the potential to cause negative financial impacts to Brunswick County and its municipalities.   One bill, introduced in the House, would exempt builders from paying property taxes on some inventory for several years, with no later repayment. The other, a proposal to distribute sales…

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Intermittent Lane Closures Start Monday on two N.C. 211 Bridges in Brunswick County

July 10, 2015

Starting at 8:30 p.m., Monday, July, 13, and ending at 5 a.m., Friday, July 17, the N.C. Department of Transportation will intermittently close lanes in both directions of the N.C. 211 Bridges over Dutchman Creek and Progress Energy Channel north of Southport in Brunswick County. These closures will allow crews to perform geotechnical borings to…

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Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization unanimously adopts resolution requesting NCDOT conduct corridor study of I-74 / US-74 corridor in Brunswick, Columbus Counties

July 10, 2015

NORTHWEST, N.C. – The Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization (RPO) Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) unanimously adopted a resolution requesting that the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) conduct a corridor study of the I-74/US-74 corridor in Brunswick and Columbus Counties at its meeting on Friday, July 10. The RTAC has previously adopted resolutions encouraging the construction…

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NCACC Presidential Initiative - 100 Counties Prepared

On August 14, 2021, Brunswick County Commissioner and newly installed N.C. Association of County Commissioners President Frank Williams announced his presidential initiative, 100 Counties Prepared. The initiative was borne out of his experience serving as Chair of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners during Hurricanes Florence, Dorian, and Isaias, through which he observed a lack of emergency preparedness training suitable for elected officials. He appointed a statewide task force that worked with NCACC staff to develop a full day of emergency preparedness training for elected officials.

Sixty-one county officials from across North Carolina completed the inaugural 100 Counties Prepared Emergency Preparedness Training for County Commissioners, which was held in conjunction with the 115th Annual NCACC Conference in Cabarrus County on August 11, 2022. A second training was held on May 31, 2023, and additional trainings are planned.

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