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Recent News

Letter to the Leland Town Council regarding the Sales Tax Distribution Issue

September 30, 2013

Below is the text of a letter that was distributed to members of the Leland Town Council via email prior to the town’s special meeting tonight regarding the issue of sales tax distribution.  A similar letter was distributed to the other municipalities in District 5.  Click here to email me your thoughts on this issue.…

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Brunswick Sheriff’s Citizens Academy — Week Eight

September 24, 2013

Week eight of the Brunswick Sheriff’s Citizens Academy focused on the proper use of firearms. Based on my notes from tonight’s session, law enforcement officers are typically required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of firearms training, and they must re-qualify annually. A large portion of tonight’s discussion focused on safety.  The instructor repeatedly…

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Statement regarding sales tax review committee

September 18, 2013

The Brunswick County Board of Commissioners recently created an ad hoc committee to review how the county distributes sales tax receipts to municipalities.  I read the following statement at the beginning of the committee’s initial meeting today: “As this committee begins its work, it is important to emphasize the fact that the Board of Commissioners…

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NCACC Presidential Initiative - 100 Counties Prepared

On August 14, 2021, Brunswick County Commissioner and newly installed N.C. Association of County Commissioners President Frank Williams announced his presidential initiative, 100 Counties Prepared. The initiative was borne out of his experience serving as Chair of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners during Hurricanes Florence, Dorian, and Isaias, through which he observed a lack of emergency preparedness training suitable for elected officials. He appointed a statewide task force that worked with NCACC staff to develop a full day of emergency preparedness training for elected officials.

Sixty-one county officials from across North Carolina completed the inaugural 100 Counties Prepared Emergency Preparedness Training for County Commissioners, which was held in conjunction with the 115th Annual NCACC Conference in Cabarrus County on August 11, 2022. A second training was held on May 31, 2023, and additional trainings are planned.

Click here for more information.