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Jan. 15 District 5 Leadership Forum to Provide Update on Brunswick County Public Utilities’ advanced water treatment, water & sewer plant expansions

January 11, 2019

The next District 5 Leadership Forum, which is held in conjunction with the North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce, will focus on Transportation as well as Hurricane Florence Recovery. NEW LOCATION: The event is set for 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019 and will be held at the WWAY Event Center, located at 1224 Magnolia…

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TRAFFIC ALERT: Cape Fear Memorial Bridge Weekend Closures Planned

October 25, 2018

The Cape Fear Memorial Bridge in Wilmington will be closed two of the next three weekends for maintenance work. The closure covers both east and westbound lanes. The closure will be in effect the weekends of Oct. 26-28, and again Nov. 9-11. It will be from 9 p.m. on Friday until 5 a.m. the following…

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#BrunscoStrong – Interview with Bob Weathers, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Shallotte

October 9, 2018
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NCACC Presidential Initiative - 100 Counties Prepared

On August 14, 2021, Brunswick County Commissioner and newly installed N.C. Association of County Commissioners President Frank Williams announced his presidential initiative, 100 Counties Prepared. The initiative was borne out of his experience serving as Chair of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners during Hurricanes Florence, Dorian, and Isaias, through which he observed a lack of emergency preparedness training suitable for elected officials. He appointed a statewide task force that worked with NCACC staff to develop a full day of emergency preparedness training for elected officials.

Sixty-one county officials from across North Carolina completed the inaugural 100 Counties Prepared Emergency Preparedness Training for County Commissioners, which was held in conjunction with the 115th Annual NCACC Conference in Cabarrus County on August 11, 2022. A second training was held on May 31, 2023, and additional trainings are planned.

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