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Congressman Rouzer hosting Senior Resource Fair in Brunswick County on June 28

June 14, 2016

The office of Congressman David Rouzer is hosting three Resource Fairs for Senior Citizens to help answer questions seniors may have about benefits, legal matters, healthcare needs, and more.  These Resource Fairs will be taking place in Brunswick County, New Hanover County and Johnston County. Staff from the Social Security Administration will be on hand…

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Moody’s affirms Brunswick County’s GO bond rating at Aa2

May 26, 2016

BOLIVIA, N.C. — Moody’s Investors Service has affirmed Brunswick County’s Aa2 general obligation bond rating, noting the county has a “very high quality credit position.” Moody’s ratings announcement also notes the County’s “robust” financial position and “small pension burden with an exceptionally low debt liability.” “The county has a very strong economy and tax base…

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Remembering Those Who Gave All

May 26, 2016

On Monday we will celebrate Memorial Day — a day set aside to remember the men and women who lost their lives serving in our nation’s Armed Forces. As one website honoring the true meaning of Memorial Day states: Memorial Day started off as a somber day of remembrance; a day when Americans went to…

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NCACC Presidential Initiative - 100 Counties Prepared

On August 14, 2021, Brunswick County Commissioner and newly installed N.C. Association of County Commissioners President Frank Williams announced his presidential initiative, 100 Counties Prepared. The initiative was borne out of his experience serving as Chair of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners during Hurricanes Florence, Dorian, and Isaias, through which he observed a lack of emergency preparedness training suitable for elected officials. He appointed a statewide task force that worked with NCACC staff to develop a full day of emergency preparedness training for elected officials.

Sixty-one county officials from across North Carolina completed the inaugural 100 Counties Prepared Emergency Preparedness Training for County Commissioners, which was held in conjunction with the 115th Annual NCACC Conference in Cabarrus County on August 11, 2022. A second training was held on May 31, 2023, and additional trainings are planned.

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