Recent News
The N.C. Department of Transportation will close one lane in each direction on U.S. 74, between the Isabel Holmes Bridge and the intersection at U.S. 17/U.S. 421 from 7 p.m. until 6 a.m. nightly, starting Sunday, April 24th and ending Sunday, May 8th. The closures will allow NCDOT crews to perform milling and resurfacing work,…
Read MoreThe N.C. Department of Transportation will intermittently close the east and westbound lanes of the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge on U.S. 421 nightly, starting at 9 p.m., Sunday, April 24, and ending at 5 a.m., Thursday, April 28. The closures will allow crews to make routine repairs on the metal deck of the lift span…
Read MoreThe Brunswick County Solid Waste Department will be at Shallotte Middle School, 225 Village Rd., Shallotte, from 9 a.m. to 2 pm to collect household hazardous waste. Items will be taken free of charge from Brunswick County property owners and residents; citizens must show proof of Brunswick County property ownership or residency to participate Items…
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