
TRAFFIC ALERT: Intermittent Lane Closures on old Oak Island Bridge this week

September 21, 2015 | Comments Off on TRAFFIC ALERT: Intermittent Lane Closures on old Oak Island Bridge this week

The North Carolina Department of Transportation will continue intermittent lane closures on the G.V. Barbee Bridge (Old Oak Island Bridge) over the Intracoastal Waterway from Monday September 21-Friday September 25th, 2015. The work will be performed from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day for inspections, weather permitting. The closures are necessary for bridge inspectors to perform biannual inspections of the bridge. The Federal Highway Administration requires all bridges to be inspected once every two…

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TRAFFIC ALERT: Continued intermittent lane closures on Highway 17 near Shallotte

September 21, 2015 | Comments Off on TRAFFIC ALERT: Continued intermittent lane closures on Highway 17 near Shallotte

Due to weather delays, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will continue intermittent lane closures at the intersection of US 17 (Ocean Hwy) & US 17 Business south of Shallotte from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day through Thursday October 15, 2015. The closure is necessary for crews to finish the final paving of the roadway and intersections. Once completed, this will improve the traffic flow in the area by extending the left turn lane…

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Intermittent Lane Closures Start Sunday on U.S. 74/U.S. 76 Under Mount Misery Road Bridge in Brunswick County

September 18, 2015 | Comments Off on Intermittent Lane Closures Start Sunday on U.S. 74/U.S. 76 Under Mount Misery Road Bridge in Brunswick County

LELAND, N.C. — The N.C. Department of Transportation will close one lane in each direction under the Mount Misery Road Bridge over U.S. 74/76 in Leland from 8 p.m. until 6 a.m. nightly from Sunday, Sept. 20 through Thursday, Sept. 24 in order for crews to repair steel sections of the bridge. The structure, which NCDOT says is safe to travel on, was found to have cracks in the welds which join steel beams to…

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Brunswick County begins process of developing new strategic vision

September 18, 2015 | Comments Off on Brunswick County begins process of developing new strategic vision

BOLIVIA,  N.C. — Brunswick County is beginning the process of formulating a new long-term strategic vision to guide county officials as they chart a course for the future. The planning and visioning process will include extensive public input, both in the form of public meetings and an online survey. Chris May, executive director of the Cape Fear Council of Governments, will facilitate the public meetings. Once citizens have provided their input, the committee will develop…

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NCACC analysis of state budget

September 18, 2015 | Comments Off on NCACC analysis of state budget

With a final vote early this morning, the N.C. General Assembly approved a state budget for the 2015-17 biennium that achieves several NCACC goals and has little negative effect on county government. Governor Pat McCrory has signed the legislation. The budget contains a tax plan to help struggling areas of the state by expanding the sales tax base to some services and directing most of the proceeds to 79 counties, while other new revenue remains…

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